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Siddhanta Knowledge Foundation (SKF) pioneers the fusion of ancient wisdom and modern education, partnering with the IKS Division to revitalize traditional knowledge. Drawing from the wellspring of ancient wisdom, Siddhanta Knowledge Foundation nurtures a new generation of leaders equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of modern leadership.

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Inspiring Minds, Empowering Futures:
Bridging Ancient Wisdom to Modern Education

Siddhanta Knowledge Foundation (SKF) leads the integration of ancient wisdom with contemporary education, in collaboration with the IKS Division to rejuvenate traditional knowledge. Rooted in ancient insights, SKF fosters a new breed of leaders adept in navigating today's complex challenges.

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Embark on a transformative journey of learning and discovery with our comprehensive Siksha courses. Explore the depths of Indic education, unlock ancient wisdom, and empower yourself for a brighter future. Start your educational adventure today and embrace the heritage of knowledge.

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Embark on a journey of discovery with us as we delve into the rich tapestry of Bharatiya knowledge. From out-of-print treasures to modern insights, we bring you a vibrant collection of books and digital resources to enrich your mind and soul.

Bridging Millennia:
From Manuscripts to Modern Research

We blend tradition with technology to unlock the full potential of Bharatiya knowledge. Explore, discover, and innovate with our curated collection of annotated texts through Sandhaan - a platform that brings ancient texts to life, making them accessible and intelligible for modern research and innovation.

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Bridging Ancient Wisdom to Modern Education

SKF merges ancient wisdom with modern education, revitalizing traditional knowledge with the IKS Division.

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Explore Indic education, unlock ancient wisdom, and embrace knowledge heritage. Start your transformative journey with Siksha.

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Shastra Maps

Enabling Conceptual Exploration of Indic Shaastra Texts

वेदात् सर्वं प्रसिध्यति

Here is the abstract of a research paper by Vedavaapi published at 18th World Sanskrit Conference 2023  in Australia under Computational and Digital Humanities section.

Sai Susarla, Suryanarayana Jammalamadaka, Vaishnavi Nishankar, Siva Panuganti, Anupama Ryali, and S Sushrutha. 2023. Shaastra Maps: Enabling Conceptual Exploration of Indic Shaastra Texts. In Proceedings of the Computational Sanskrit & Digital Humanities: Selected papers presented at the 18th World Sanskrit Conference, pages 174–187, Canberra, Australia (Online mode). Association for Computational Linguistics.


Indic shaastra texts employ a rigorous, structured style of discourse that adheres to well-laid-out conventions of Nyaaya and Mimaamsa. As a result, unlike modern scientific treatises which use free form natural language for their discourse, Indic shaastra texts are more amenable to mechanized navigation and interpretation. Such a facility also simplifies their study by novice readers via creating custom dynamic views on demand for rapid drill-down and assimilation.
This paper contributes a conceptual network representation of Indic shaastra texts called Shaastra Map along with a graph query scheme called ShaastriQL1 that together provide these benefits. At its core, ShaastraMap is an overlay directed graph of sentences and sections of one or more Shaastra texts linked via relations widely employed by shaastra authors and experts such as tantrayuktis and padaartha sambandhas. This representation directly mimics shaastric discourse structure and hence makes the author’s intent more explicit to reduce learning barrier. Moreover, ShaastriQL offers primitives to help generate the following custom views of a shaastra text:

  • Glossary: Show all the technical terms used in the text along with their definitions, illustrative examples and explanations ·
  • Category Hierarchy: Given a conceptual category, show its recursive hierarchy of attributes and sub-categories. ·
  • Discourse by topic: Given a topic, show its complete analysis in the text to a given level of detail. ·
  • Summary: Show a high-level summary of the text with an incremental drill-down view of details.

We have built a web-based ShaastraMap editor that lets users (i) mark up a shaastra text to describe its structural layout upto individual sentences, (ii) tag the sections and their inter-relationships using well-formed 7-layer shaastric categories based on Nyaaya and Mimaamsa principles of text interpretation, and (iii) explore the text via the above custom views. This  paper outlines these capabilities and our experience in the context of mapping four diverse shaastra texts.

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