Aṣṭādhyāyī Pravesha
Gaining a systematic and in-depth understanding of all the major concepts of Aṣṭādhyāyī . Acquire ability to understand the grammar texts in a better manner. Easily understand simple Samskritam texts such as Panchatantra, Mahabharata. Appreciate the scientific structure of Aṣṭādhyāyī. To enable learning of various Shastras such as Dhrama Shastra, Artha Shastra, and others. This book presents Sanskrit grammar in an easy-to-understand format enabling students to acquire proficiency in Sanskrit grammar in a reasonably short period of time.

Author: Dr. Tilaka M. Rao
Dr. Tilaka M. Rao has 12 years of exceptional training in Vedic literature covering 10 major Upanishads from Prabodhini Gurukula and Veda Vijnana Gurukula , Karnataka. He has also been trained to chant the entire kavya-Yajurveda (Taittiriya recession). In addition, he has had the opportunity to study many important works from classical Sanskrit including various Kavya, Panini’s Astadhyayi, and philosophical systems including Vedanta, Nyaya, Samkhya, and Yoga.
He was awarded a gold medal for his Masters (Sanskrit) and a JRF to pursue a Ph.D. on the Utsarga-apavada concept in Astadhyayi. He has studied Vyakarana under eminent traditional scholars such as Vidwan G. Mahabaleshwar Bhat, Vidushi Pushpa Dixit, and Vidwan Sringeshwara Shastri.
He has served as Assistant Professor and Assistant Director at Veda Vijnana Shodha Samsthanam near Bengaluru. Presently he is an adjunct faculty at MIT School of Vedic Sciences and fellow at CESS-India Studies Unit, Bengaluru. He has authored 3 books titled Ashtadhyayi Pravesha, Idviveka, and Karikaakara.
Experts views on our books
The Acharya could marry Vedantic thought with Paninian grammar in a most simple and profound way. This awakens the spirit of inquiry to make the journey within to deeper levels until we come face to face with our true nature. What a gift!

पद्मश्री Rutger Kortenhorst
Head of Sanskrit, John Scottus School, Ireland
Dr. Tilak Rao took it upon himself to decode Panini’s Ashtadhyayi for the novice and professionals alike, resulting in his book Ashtadhyayi Pravesa. It is simple and well written and is highly useful. I enjoyed his book and his teaching technique very much.

Kalliana R Krishnan
Kal Krishnan Consulting Services, Inc. Chairman and CEO Emeritus Oakland / Los Angeles.
The book Ashtadhyayi Pravesha by Dr. Tilak Rao is a wonderful resource for students of Paninian grammar at all stages. The book made it easy to enter the world of sutra-based grammar learning. It is organized nicely and logically into sections that follow the previous one and I find the book to be very useful since one can quickly refer to it for the rules.

Arnab Bhattacharya
Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur
दोषाः भवन्ति अनवधानकारणतः। तत्परिजिहीर्षया एतादृशसरलीकरणग्रन्थानामावश्यकता अस्ति। संस्कृते संस्कृतत्वं पालयितुम् एतादृशग्रन्थाः सहकुर्वन्ति।

डा रामचन्द्रभट्टः जि.
अध्यक्षः, वेदविज्ञानशोधसंस्थानम्